Saturday, April 21, 2012

Welcome Home Matt Rutherford!

I had the opportunity to represent the Naval Academy and our sailing program at a welcome home ceremony for Matt Rutherford.  Matt had just completed a circumnavigation of North and South America in a 27 foot sailboat.  This trip took 309 days, he did it solo and during that great expanse of time he never went ashore - non-stop north through the Northwest Passage, around Alaska, down the west coast of North, Central and South America, around the treacherous Cape Horn and up through the Atlantic.  He departed from and returned to Annapolis and did it all to raise money for a disabled boating charity called C.R.A.B (Chesapeake Region Accessible Boating).  I shared the stage with Gary Jobson, the head of US Sailing, Maryland Governor O'Malley, the Mayor of Annapolis and several Congressional Aides.  Senator Harkin teleconferenced in via an onstage iPad.  It was a great event, honoring a truely heroic undertaking 

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