Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The World According to D

The man-cub has been working on his language skills but you really need a translation guide to fully decode what Dylan is trying to say.  Here are a few of the key words:

- Lie Lie: verb: To lie down, for sleep or a diaper change
- C-Z: noun: cheese, usually the "string" variant
- Cyto-Bikel: noun: motorcycle, Dada has one!
- Shu-Shu: noun: a train (as in "All Aboard Choo-Choo")
- May-May Toast: noun: toast with Vegemite - we can't figure this one out
- Rays - noun: raisins
- Tenna - noun: a tent, usually constructed with bed sheets
- Toe-Bu - noun: tofu, he loves it and it's a great source of protein!
- Big Boat - noun: a US Navy Aircraft Carrier, Dada uses the same term
- Pooter - noun: computer (he overestimates his computer skills at the moment)
- Zeep - noun: a Jeep, we don't own one but he can spot one coming down the road...he even correctly labeled that Jeep "Compass" which many Jeep purists will tell you shouldn't really be called a Jeep (it's only 2-wheel drive!)

Saturday, April 9, 2011


We had a great day out today at a local indoor inflatable bouncy-castle gym.  We told Dylan we were going last night and you would've thought we were going to Disneyland - this little man loves to throw his body around.  It was also a good work-out for Dada - chasing him around and in many cases through all the inflatable obstacles.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

"Always Ready, That Others May Live"

I recently attended the US Coast Guard's National Search and Rescue School in nearby Yorktown Virginia.  One of my duties onboard the Aircraft Carrier is the Search and Rescue (SAR) Mission Coordinator.  If any of our aircrew or sailors (or any nearby civilian mariners) are in distress I plan and coordinate the search and rescue missions.  We've been called on a few times and thus far all missions have ended successfully, but until now I haven't had much formal training.  This has been an opportunity to learn from some true experts - I was very impressed with the course.