Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The World According to D

The man-cub has been working on his language skills but you really need a translation guide to fully decode what Dylan is trying to say.  Here are a few of the key words:

- Lie Lie: verb: To lie down, for sleep or a diaper change
- C-Z: noun: cheese, usually the "string" variant
- Cyto-Bikel: noun: motorcycle, Dada has one!
- Shu-Shu: noun: a train (as in "All Aboard Choo-Choo")
- May-May Toast: noun: toast with Vegemite - we can't figure this one out
- Rays - noun: raisins
- Tenna - noun: a tent, usually constructed with bed sheets
- Toe-Bu - noun: tofu, he loves it and it's a great source of protein!
- Big Boat - noun: a US Navy Aircraft Carrier, Dada uses the same term
- Pooter - noun: computer (he overestimates his computer skills at the moment)
- Zeep - noun: a Jeep, we don't own one but he can spot one coming down the road...he even correctly labeled that Jeep "Compass" which many Jeep purists will tell you shouldn't really be called a Jeep (it's only 2-wheel drive!)

1 comment:

Olga said...

Awesome post - thanks for sharing Les.